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Aji Punch

Aji Punch

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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About the Sauce:  Experience a haymaker of sweet heat from a medley of Aji peppers, local peaches, cherries and plums that will take food and cocktails to the next level.

Uses: For years we've said you shouldn't put hot sauce on ice cream, but we've changed our mind! This this sweet heat is great on a Thanksgiving cobbler with vanilla ice cream, a cocktail or pancakes. 

Heat: Mild

Ingredients: Aji peppers (aji rico, sugar rush cream, sugar rush peach, aji pineapple, aji dulce, aji charapita) apple cider vinegar, peaches, lime juice, pineapple juice, onion, handcrafted, berry vinegar, plums, carrots, black cherry, garlic, ginger, maple syrup, salt. 

Size: 5oz Bottle

Please limit to 3 bottles so that it can get around to people :)

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